About Us

Our Team's Design Philosophy

We want to strive to make games that respect players and enable them to make their own efforts in finding new ways to solve problems.

A Classic RPG Experience

Can’t find something for a quest? Are you lost? Check your journal and read what NPCs had to say about it. Put one and one together and solve problems all by yourself.

No Artificial Orientation

We purposefully design our games so that players will not need artificial elements like a mini map or quest markers to find their way around.

Our Inspirations

Games like “Morrowind” or “Gothic” inspired us to make a game like this ourselves. We think there’s a lack of games that take players seriously and an overload of games that tell players what to do at all times.


Chris (he/him)

Our project manager and jack of all trades. Chris keeps everything organized and gives his all to make our vision for “Drova” happen.

Kai (he/him)

Kai is our Programming Lead and locks himself up in the company’s basement to get the algorithms flowing.

Fabio (he/him)

Level Designer and Game Designer, placing walls, objects and cool items to find around the game world!

Johannes (he/him)

Server admin, programmer and necessary paper work. Johannes’s playing field. Also a composer (e.g. for the Teaser).

Julian (he/him)

Julian is our Art Lead, envisions what our game will look like and organizes everything that needs to be done to make the game look good.

Brian (he/him)

Our third main pixel artist, creating assets, designing enemies, areas and everything that’s visual.